Welcome to the homeport webpage for my 21' Southwind Luger Sloop
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In 2000 I had just purchased lake property and was browsing around for building ideas. Always had a liking for ships, sails, anything nautical attracts my interest. I wanted a place that would make you think of the sea and sailing. I guess that's all that was left of some old dream that lost itself over the years.
I was on e-Bay looking at model sailboats, thinking they would be kinda neat to sail on the lake. Then I heard myself saying, "A lake for a front yard and I'm looking at toy boats! Give your head a shake."
The old dream was alive and well, it just needed a little nudge.
Good bye e-Bay, hello Yacht World!
- Lorence
The rest of the story . (click to continue)
The Chicago Grip is a tool I used many years ago working as a telephone lineman. It is a tool for temporarily griping wire when raising spans be- tween poles. This model has a V-grove in both top and bottom jaws. Contact is made at four spots a- round the wire the length of the jaws. The model 1613-30 grip can safely exert 1500 lbs. of pull without slipping or dam- age to the wire. More info: Klein Tools
The Luger Sailboat Mooring at www.lugerboats.com is the reference website for Luger sailboats. The website offers an extensive resource of photographs, catalog de- scriptions, detailed specifica- tions, an established owner Registration and many other useful links.
I step my mast with a Gin Pole similar to Dale Mack's method. The grip is used to hold onto the forestay two feet above the deck attach- ment. The forestay is under tension above the grip but is slack below the grip, making it easy to work with a short piece of fore- stay near the deck attach- ment while the rest of the forestay is tight.